Literature is also important for language development. It opens the imagination and develops creativity.
Another issue affecting Arabic readers is the introduction of Modern Standard Arabic. This form of Arabic is treated as a second language, so that the development of literature in it, is ponderous. The Arabic speaking world is divided between reading the classical Arabic literature and developing a body of literature in its "second language".
Hopefully, the decline in reading can be turned around.
اقرابسم ربك الذي خلق
ويجري تجاهل الوصية الأولى للمسلمين ، والكثير على حساب مستقبلهم الأدبية
[Read! In the Name of your Lord who Created. (surah 96:1)
The first commandment to Muslims is being ignored, much to the detriment of their literary futures.]
Listen to the podcast.
Cox, Patrick. 2010. "Arabic and Book Publishing". PRI. Posted: June 1, 2010. Available online: http://www.theworld.org/2010/06/01/bilingual-tots-and-the-language-of-smell/
Gioia, Dana. 2006. "On the Importance of Reading". The Commonwealth. Available online: http://readingprograms.org/related-links/
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